
LICHTROUTEN Site Sparkasse Sauerfelderstraße 7-11 The Sparkasse Lüdenscheid is a special-purpose savings bank in the Märkischer Kreis district, whose business area extends over the cities of Lüdenscheid, Halver, Herscheid and also Schalksmühle. With 377 employees and 18 branch offices, it is one of the larger headquarters of the Savings Banks Association of Westphalia-Lippe.

Parkhaus Stadtmitte

LICHTROUTEN STANDORT Parkhaus Stadtmitte Overbergstr. 2 Eines der besonderen Merkmale dieses Standortes ist der Ausblick über Lüdenscheid vom Parkdeck 11. Als größtes Parkhaus der Lüdenscheider Stadtmitte mit 507 Parkplätzen, ist es somit nicht nur wegen der schönen Aussicht beliebt.

Humboldtstr. 9/11

LICHTROUTEN Site Humboldtstr. 9-11 Humboldtstr. 9-11 The object continues to be important for the development of working and production conditions. It clearly illustrates the close commitment of working and living at that time. In addition, both buildings are documents for an architectural-historical development in the factory building of the Gründerzeit as well as the time …


LICHTROUTEN Site Forum Old Forum Lüdenscheid The old Forum in Lüdenscheid was gradually opened as a shopping centre from 1978-1983 and has been used in many ways since then. Initially used as a swimming pool, it was converted into an indoor playground in 2007 until it had to be completely closed in 2013. Since then …


LICHTROUTEN Site Capitol Wilhelmstr. 56 Opened in 1919 as the “Metropole-Theater”, the cinema was initially known for its simple furnishings. In 1964 the “Capitol”, renamed in 1928, was temporarily closed until it was reopened in 1988 as the “New Capitol”.  However, the success of the dance bar failed to materialise, so that it had to …

Gothaer Parkhaus

LICHTROUTEN Site Gothaer Parkhaus Rathausplatz 25 The Gothaer multi-storey car park, known by the Lüdenscheiders under the name “Parkplatz Rathausplatz”, is located in the heart of Lüdenscheid, directly opposite the town hall. The shopping mile “Wilhelmstraße” with its shopping center “Stern Center” is only 3 minutes walk away.

Hochstr. 7

LICHTROUTEN Side Hochstr. 7 “Zur Platten Bulette” Built around 1891, the house served as a residential building until the 21st century. The house then housed a driving school and an electrical shop until the “Platte Bulette” was opened in 2014. In addition to the professional “food truck business”, the operators of the “Platten Bulette” also …

Loher Wäldchen

LICHTROUTEN Side Loher Wäldchen Loher Wäldchen The Loher Wäldchen is a 1.5-hectare city park with bright old deciduous trees in the middle of the city centre of Lüdenscheid. Since 2004, it has been staged by various light works of art in such a way that it can be used by Lüdenscheid residents as a passageway …


LICHTROUTEN Side Sauerland-Center Sauerfelder Straße 2 As the first shopping center in Lüdenscheid, the Sauerland Center was opened in December 1972 after two years of construction. Work on the so-called “EMKA” Tower was completed in March 1973. Initially, the center was very popular and had two cinemas and over 50 shops. The tenants gradually resigned …


LICHTROUTEN STANDORT Sternplatz Sternplatz Lüdenscheid 1973 wurde der Sternplatz und der angrenzende Rathausplatz so umgebaut, dass keine Autos mehr durch die Fußgängerzone  fahren können. Dies prägte die Innenstadt von Lüdenscheid enorm. Die komplette Wilhemlstraße konnte sich zur Fußgängerzone mit zahlreichen Läden entwickeln. 1990 eröffnete das “Forum am Sternplatz” und drei Jahre später das “Stern-Center”, welches …


LICHTROUTEN Side Rathaus Rathauspl. 2, 58507 Lüdenscheid The new town hall of Lüdenscheid was built in 1956 and moved into in 1964 by the city administration, so that in 1973 the cultural office could move into the old town hall. Between 2001 and 2006 the town hall was renovated and both the town hall and …


LICHTROUTEN Side Kulturhaus Freiherr-vom-Stein-Straße 9 Completed in 1981, the Kulturhaus is still an important part of the city centre of Lüdenscheid. It benefits from its striking architecture and its ideal location in the middle of the city centre, yet in a green environment, thanks to the adjacent Kulturhaus Park. Operas, operettas, musicals, ballet, drama, concerts …


LICHTROUTEN Side Humboldt-Villa  Humboldtstr. 36 The Humboldt Villa, commissioned by Richard Noelle in 1913, was designed and built by the architect Ludwig Conradi so that it could serve the Heck family as a residential building from 1929 to 1993. Until 2009 it was used as an old people’s home with the name “Reseda” and has …


LICHTROUTEN STANDORT Erlöserkirche Kirchpl. 11-15, 58511 Lüdenscheid Eine erste Urkundliche Erwähnung einer Vorgängerin der Erlöserkirche gibt es das erste Mal 1072. Entstanden ist die Erlöserkirche im 12. Jahrhundert mit einer spätrömischen Pfeilerbasilika und einem Chor aus gotischer Zeit. 1822 musste die Kirche aus baufälligen Gründen jedoch abgerissen werden und nur die Turmschaft blieb erhalten. Vier …

St. Joseph- und Medardus Kirche

LICHTROUTEN Side St. Joseph/Medardus Kirche Jokuschstr. 12 _ 58511 Lüdenscheid The St. Joseph and Medardus Church was designed from 1883 to 1885 by the architect Arnold Guldenpfennig and built in the North German brick Gothic style. The tower of the church with a height of 54.15 meters was built between 1924 and 1927 as an …